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St Patrick's Primary School, Derrygonnelly, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

Afterschool Gaelic Football

26th May 2023

While the girls enjoyed their afterschool Netball with Mrs McAloon, the P5, 6 and 7 boys were offered afterschool gaelic football with Miss McGarrigle. The uptake was great and the boys were incredibly lucky with mostly sunny and warm weather on the Harps football pitch the last three Tuesday afternoons.

The boys enjoyed football and fun while developing their skills and fitness. They were also incredibly lucky to avail of the experience of Derrygonnelly Harps stalwart and legend Hugh Kelly who kindly offered his time and knowledge to help coach the boys the last two weeks.

Thank you ever so much Hugh from the boys and the school as a whole for your generosity and wisdom!