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St Patrick's Primary School, Derrygonnelly, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

Afterschool Netball

24th May 2023

Over the last three weeks the girls in P5, 6 and 7 have enjoyed afterschool netball with Mrs McAloon. Mrs McAloon said that although the majority of the girls had not played the sport before, she was amazed to see how quickly they learnt the rules of the game and developed their skills.

She taught them how to do a shoulder pass, a chest pass and a bounce pass and jokingly added that the hardest thing to teach them was to not run with the ball once they caught it!

The girls particularly enjoyed a shooting competition to develop their accuracy, and Mrs McAloon mentioned that quite a few of the girls surprised themselves in how well they did.

Hopefully this might give some of the girls a desire to pursue netball as a hobby in the future.