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St Patrick's Primary School, Derrygonnelly, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

Cross Country 2023

12th Jun 2023

Yesterday all the children in P4 and up travelled to the Bawnacre in Irvinestown to compete in the annual School Cross Country event. We filled two buses of excited children bursting at the seams to put their running skills to the test. 

The weather was hot and clammy, arguably not the best conditions for a running race, however every child who competed in the races gave it their best and completed their heat. We are so very proud of every single child who took part! As Miss McGarrigle said in assembly today: Every person runs their own race with their own goals. 

Congratulations to the children who placed in the top 10 in their respective groups: Aoife Higgins (3rd); Faye McKenna, Maddie Maguire and Senan Dundas (4th); Pearse McAloon (8th); Luke Brown and Sarah McKeever (9th); and Caleb McConnell (10th).  

After all the races were completed the children spent some time unwinding in the Bawnacre Playpark before travelling back to school. There, in true Miss McGarrigle style, the children were treated to ice lollies and extra play before home time. Needless to say the children were delighted, as were the staff as Miss McGarrigle made sure they didn't miss out either!