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St Patrick's Primary School, Derrygonnelly, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

Leavers Hoodies

23rd May 2023

Earlier this year the P7 children asked if they could have Leavers Hoodies made as it is their last year in Primary school. Miss McGarrigle of course said yes, and they began the process of contacting suppliers and deciding on designs. After a number of meetings, the children finally agreed on a jumper and the order went in. 

After a loooong wait, the jumpers finally arrived and the children were presented with them at Assembly on Monday. I think we can all agree that the end result is lovely, and the children can now proudly wear them in school for the rest of the year and beyond.

Thank you also for the support from the parents in purchasing the jumpers for the children. 

Thank you sincerley to Ms Hovden for communicating with the design companies and helping make this possible!