Nurture Nest...
👀👀👀 Ah LOOK...Our NURTURE NEST!!!! 👀👀👀
Check out this invaluable space that we have created in our school.
This is a very relaxing space that children (and staff) can avail off. 😊😊😊
The 'Nurture Nest' is a special space in the heart of our school, providing a safe and welcoming environment to encourage and develop confidence and self-esteem for our children.
There is a specific focus on developing resilience, learning self-care and self-respect, together with taking pride in behaving well and achieving.
A typical Nest activity...
Activities are planned to meet the needs of individual children but will include some of the following:
- Class curriculum based work sessions (in line with the curriculum that other class members are following)
- Mindfulness
- Directed individual or small group work and activities
- Story time
- Structured games (specifically chosen to promote social, academic or emotional skills)
What the children think?
‘If I have had a bad morning, the Nest makes me feel happy and ready for school’
‘I feel happy in the Nest because it is comfortable and relaxed. It helps me to be in the classroom’