Access Keys:

St Patrick's Primary School, Derrygonnelly, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

P7 Trip to Battle Camp Activity Centre

12th Jun 2023

There was great excitement last week for P7's trip to Battle Camp Activity Centre in Derrylin. The trip was funded by the 'Our Generation' programme which the children took part in a few weeks ago. The programme and the trip were expertly led by Joanne McCauley. The children were also joined at Battle Camp by children from a small school in Cavan.  

Great fun was had with target practice, hide and seek and basically a free for all with Nerf Guns. Let's face it, the latter was the most popular activity by far!! 

Joanne and her colleagues looked after the children so well, providing them with a yummy hot lunch and a lovely spread for the adults too. 

Thank you to Joanne at Our Generation and to Battle Camp Activity Centre for their excellent service - we had a great time!