Access Keys:

St Patrick's Primary School, Derrygonnelly, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

Primary 7 Bake Sale

26th May 2023

The P7 Bake Sale was a resounding success from start to finish! The preparations started on Wednesday morning when the P7 children baked up a storm in the staffroom with the expert help from Mrs McGovern and Mrs Keown. The children got to hone their culinary skills and produced a plethora of yummy baked goods for the bake sale. A lot of fun was had - apologies to the P7s' parents for the undoubtedly floury and chocolate-stained uniforms at the end of the day! 

The day of the Bake Sale got off to a great start. Thank you so much to the P7 children's parents and members of staff who baked up a storm and donated their bakes to the sale. The bake sale was well supported by friends and family in the morning, and the rest of the children in the school were only too happy to come and scoop up the goods that were left over. Safe to say there was a fair bit of sugar consumed that day. We hope that at least some of the goodies made it home for the children's families to try...

Well done also to Rosa Burns who guessed the correct amount of cookies in the jar (164) - Congratulations Rosa! 

A massive thank-you to everyone for your generosity and support. The amount of money raised has surpassed all of our expectations and will be used on purchasing new footballs and STEM equipment for the children to enjoy in school. We will announce the total amount raised in due course but in the meanwhile - THANK YOU again for your support, it means the world! 

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘TOTAL MONEY raised from the Bake Sale and Break the rules day is.....£1381.20 πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘