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St Patrick's Primary School, Derrygonnelly, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

Shared Education 5k Run/Walk in Boho

21st Jun 2023

The sun shone brightly on the two buses carrying our Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 children to Boho on Tuesday morning. The children were headed to Killyhommon Primary School to take part in a Shared Education 5k Run/Walk alongside their peers from Killyhommon PS and Derrygonnelly Primary School. 

Following an opening address by Killyhommon Principal Resha Rasdale and an expertly led warm-up by our very own Mrs Shelly Carroll, the children commenced their run and walk. It was a lovely morning for being outside and all the children from all three schools did so well, both running and walking the route. 

The marshals along the route were so friendly and encouraging, and the water stops were welcome additions for both children and adults participating in hot and somewhat muggy conditions. A big thank-you to all the volunteers who helped on the day, it was much appreciated by all at St Patrick's PS. Thank you also to Aaron Muldoon from APM First Aid, and the officers from PSNI who kept everyone safe and provided plenty of entertainment and photo ops for the children. 

After the run/walk the children enjoyed exploring Killyhommon PS' amazing outdoor play facilities before the prize giving concluded a very enjoyable morning out for all involved. 

Congratulations to each school's winners and well done to each and every child who took part on the day - you were all amazing! 

Thank you to Mrs Rasdale at Killyhommon PS, Mr Kearney at Derrygonnelly PS and our own Mrs McAloon for organising an enjoyable morning out for the children in our three local primary schools to come together in sport and fun. 

(P.s. Don't the tie-die t-shirts look great?!!)